Monday, December 1, 2008

Paper Topic

I will be writing on Herland for my final paper. I will be focusing on how Gilman's feminists views in both Herland and her sequel With Her in Ourland exemplify the growing feminist movement in the 20th Century. I will also be examining the works of DH Lawrence and his views on female sexuality and its ties to female empowerment. I will be tying these two writers together in their efforts to empower women during the late 19th and early 20th century both in America and the UK.

1. Herland
2. With Her in Ourland-I will be using this work as a follow-up of Gilman's feminist views as they developed over time and how they contributed to the overall movement in the early 20th Century
3. Lady Chatterley's Lover-This book was groundbreaking at the time because of its sexual content, particularly how the main character, Lady Chatterley, is a sexually empowered woman. I will be discussing how DH Lawrence's character and message of sexual empowerment contributed to the feminist movement.

Ruth Vizcaino

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